Hephzibah Anderson
writer ~ journalist ~ broadcaster
Hephzibah’s memoir Chastened was published by Chatto & Windus in the UK, Penguin Viking in the US, and Editions Michel Lafon in France.
She is currently a columnist at Prospect magazine, feature writer for BBC Culture and Fiction Editor at the Mail on Sunday. Her interviews, cultural commentary and book reviews have appeared in outlets including the Observer, the Guardian, the Independent on Sunday, the Washington Post, the New York Observer, Haaretz, Harper's Bazaar and Standpoint. Her personal essays have featured in The Times, Vogue and ELLE.
Television appearances include The Colbert Report, NBC’s Today and MSNBC’s Morning Joe, and France 2’s Valerie Expert (in French). Radio credits run to BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme and Woman’s Hour, BBC Radio 3’s Saturday Review, NPR’s Talk of the Nation, and shows on Bloomberg Radio, CBC, France Info and France Inter. She's also presented a BBC World News show from the Frankfurt Book Fair and a podcast for the Guardian.
Previous posts include on-air books expert for BBC 5 Live's Up All Night, book columnist at Bloomberg News, the Observer and The National, art columnist for the Evening Standard, Adweek's 'sex and the media' columnist, and the bibliotherapist behind BBC Culture's 'Textual Healing'.
She’s judged the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize, the Jewish Quarterly/Wingate Award, the Author's Society's Betty Trask Award and the PEN New Voices Prize. She's moderated numerous events at the Southbank Centre, the London Book Fair and Jewish Book Week, and appeared in panel discussions at the Battle of Ideas, Charleston's Small Wonder, Bath Lit Fest and the Henley Literary Festival. She’s also tutored creative non-fiction courses at the Arvon Foundation.
Chastened was excerpted in the Guardian in the U.K. and Marie Claire in the U.S., and was widely covered in publications from Grazia and the New York Post to the Los Angeles Times and Canada's Globe and Mail. When the book was published in France, Le Figaro declared 'une crise sex-istentielle'.
Hephzibah is a graduate of Cambridge University where she read English. She can be contacted via Twitter, @HephzibahA.